If you are interested in applying for a grant and it requires an external evaluator, we’d be happy to help. Ideally, we’d work with you up front, with lots of time before the due date, to develop a program theory and get your needs assessment sorted out and work out an evaluation plan. We know life happens, and you sometimes need to submit a proposal without having thought about an evaluator. Contact us ASAP. In the mean time, you can write iEvaluate, LLC into your project. Download the iEvaluate, LLC service statement and the resume of Dr. Bayonas to include in your application, but contact us right away so that we can get you a letter of support and help you with the grant. The time we spend helping you with the evaluation is something we don’t charge for, but with the understanding that if your project is funded then we would be paid to conduct the evaluation. We love to help people.